The final of the 2011 ladies world cup was played between The U.S.A and Japan . And it was won by Japan. It was the first time a Asian country has won a F.I.F.A world cup, in either the men or in the ladies world cup.
Japan won
France has won the soccer world cup one time.
June 11th. im not sure all of the teams that play on that day, but i know the US and Portugal play.
In soccer (football)?No, they have not won the World Cup.
israel never won the soccer world cup. and israel was a Participant in the soccer world cup just one time in 1970.
France won the world cup in 1998.
Italy Won the world cup in 2006
The 2010 world cup was won by Spain.
Brazil..they won it in penalties
The 2003 womens world cup was won by the U.S.A.
Turkey have never won the soccer World Cup.