Ohio USC Florida Michigan State Ohio State Duke
USC was competing against Stanford in a track & field meet. They were losing by a lot, and it was calculated to be impossible for them to win, but the Trojans fought hard and only lost by a small amount at the conclusion of the meet. Owen Bird, of the Los Angeles Times, stated that the USC athletes "fought on like Trojans." President Bovard approved this as the official name.
Some sports offer full rides, some offer partials and some offer nothing.
Football: USC, Penn St., Ohio St., LSU, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas Basketball: UNC, UConn, Pitt, Oklahoma, Georgetown
USC has had more Olympians (as well as gold medalists and overall medalists) than any other U.S. college/university. The school has had 396 athletes (prior to the 2012 Olympics) who attended the university before, during or after the time they competed in the Olympic Games.
He was cut from the team after logging in only 19 minutes and 8.6 points a game for the two years he played at USC
They went to USC
Two seasons ... 1967 and 1968.
USC and Penn State
The zip codes for USC are: 90033 - USC Health Sciences Campus 90089 - USC Main Campus.