Gerald Ford was a stand-out player at The University of Michigan. Ronald Reagan was a starter and had a partial football scholarship at Eureka College. Richard Nixon was a second-stringer at Whittier College.
There is no "college of Michigan."
President Gerald R. Ford attended the University of Michigan, and was a member of the football team, earning varsity letters in 1932, 1933 and 1934.
There are many famous college football players who gained fame following their playing career. President Gerald Ford was an outstanding college football player.
Gerald Ford was a star college football player and had offers to play pro football but did not take them. No other president was close to professional caliber. ( Pro quarterback Jack Kemp ran for vice-president but did not win.)
President Gerald Ford played football for the University of MichiganGerald Ford
Gerald Ford.
Gerald ford
i think it was Gerald ford..... I'm not sure but i have a homework question ''which president was an outstanding college football player'' i looked it up and i wrote down Gerald ford so i think that's the answer.
He is called Michael Platini, a French player once.
Gerald ford was an all-American football player for Michigan
Ronald Reagan
Roberto Baggio was an Italian football player who won FIFA World Player of the Year in 1993. He went on to become the President of the Technical Sector of the The Italian Football Federation (FIGC).
Gerald Ford was an All-American center for the University of Michigan.
Gerald Ford was a star on the University of Michigan (Wolverines) football team. He played center and linebacker (a two-way player).