There are plenty of players who have fumbled on the one yard line. Quaterbacks do it on quarterback sneaks. Countless running backs and wide recievers have had it knocked out. More often then not itll go out of the back of the endzone if it is fumbled on the goal line. I even seem to remember a defensive lineman who was showboating and was stripped of the ball. You need to give more information...
Yes. The running back will get credit for the number of yards past the line of scrimmage the fumble occurred. If the line of scrimmage was at the defense's 20 yard line and the fumble occurred at the defense's 14 yard line, the running back would be credited with 6 yards rushing. If the line of scrimmage was at the defense's 14 yard line and the fumble occurred at the defense's 20 yard line, the running back would be credited with -6 yards rushing.
The player has run 40 yards.
50 yards
40 yards
45 yards ??
That's 40 yards
The 50 yard line.
45 yards (or 135 feet).
65 yards
The ball is placed at the 2 yard line in the NFL and the 3 yard line in college football.
A loss of yardage in football is when someone on the team holds the football in his/her hand(s)/arm(s) and someone on the other team tackles the person with the football before the person with the football can advance across the line in which the play started. For example: the team with the football start on the fifty yard line and they need to advance the ball to the forty yard line for a first down. The football gets snapped to the quarterback. The quarterback has two options: run with the football or throw the football to someone on his/her team so the team can attempt to get the ball across the forty yard line. The quarterback notices that someone on the other team is running at him/her and runs backwards to the forty yard line. Before the quarterback has the chance to either run with the football or throw the football, the person tackles the quarterback at the forty yard line resulting in a ten yard loss.
40 yards...