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Yes. The running back will get credit for the number of yards past the line of scrimmage the fumble occurred. If the line of scrimmage was at the defense's 20 yard line and the fumble occurred at the defense's 14 yard line, the running back would be credited with 6 yards rushing. If the line of scrimmage was at the defense's 14 yard line and the fumble occurred at the defense's 20 yard line, the running back would be credited with -6 yards rushing.

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Q: If a running back fumbles the ball and the other team recovers are the yards gained prior to the fumble counted for the running backs stats?
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What is the record for the most players to fumble in a single NFL game?

Most fumbles by a single player was Len Dawson, Kansas City vs. San Diego, Nov. 15, 1964 (7). Not sure aout the highest number of different players to commit a fumble in one game.

What if the punter in football misses a kick?

If a punter misses a kick it is a live ball. If the kicking team recovers, they turn the ball over on downs. (Assuming they are unable to recover the ball and covet.) If the defending team recovers it plays out the same way as a traditional fumble would.

What running back has the least number of fumbles during their career in the NFL and how many?

Running Back with Least Number of FumblesThats a very General Answer, because any rookie running back that start one game and only played one game could of not fumbled at all and have the least, but if your talking of all time least fumbles, the answer is Marcus Allen with only 20 in his Carreer, but its a very bold answer because there has been players who had longer careers.Correction: Marcus Allen actually was credited with 65 fumbles from 1982 through 1997, as per That's just over 4 fumbles per year over 16 years, which is phenomenal for a featured back and goal-line specialist. However, it is easy not to fumble when you are on the bench, as Mr. Allen was during the latter years of his tenure with the Raiders.Better arguments might be made for the likes of Jerome Bettis, who averaged 3.15 fumbles per year over thirteen years, running directly at the defensive line almost invariably. And then there is Marshall Faulk, who averaged an amazing 3 fumbles per year over the course of his twelve year career. Irregardless of running style, that is awe-inspiring.I would like to add Curtis Martin into this discussion, in his 11 year career he fumbled just 29 times (lost just 16 of them) at an average of 2.6363 times per year. He also was the featured back all 11 of those years, with 319 carries per year (And 44 receptions per year) and only not making the 1000 yard mark in his final season due to injury.

NFL rookie running backs without a fumble?

So far, all of the NFL rookie running backs haven't fumbled in the 2009 regular season, but that will probably change in two weeks.

Does a facemask prior to a fumble negate the fumble?

If there is a facemask on the defense then it should negate any fumble they may have acquired during play.

Related questions

If you fumble the ball in football is it first down if you pick it up?

If the offense recovers the fumble and advances it beyond the original first down line, yes, it is a first down. If the ball is not advanced past the original first down line then the next play is the down after the one that the fumble occurred on. For example, if a running back fumbles the ball on second down and an offensive line man recovers the fumble but does not advance the ball beyond the original first down line, it is then third down. If the defense recovers the fumble, then it is an automatic first down wherever the player that recovered the fumble is downed.

What does the statistical acronym FF stand for in footbalL?

The stat line FR stands for Fumbles Recovered.

When someone sacks the quarterback do you count the negative yardage from where he was sacked or where the other team recovers the ball?

its where the qb is sacked but if he fumbles it its where the line of scrimage is If there is no fumble, hence no turnover, then the negative yardage is where the quarterback is officially tackled. On a fumble and turnover and downed recovery by the other team, I believe that the negative yardage would then be calculated from the line of scrimmage to where the opponent recovers.

If a quarter back fumbles the ball but doesn't go down does it count as a sack?

No it does not. A fumble is a fumble, while a sack is a sack.

Is a lateral considered a fumble if the defense recovers the ball?

A lateral pass that hits the ground is a fumble, and if the defense recovers, it is a turnover. If the receiver drops the ball after he catches a lateral pass, it is considered an incompletion.

If a receiver makes a catch and then fumbles do the yards count?

If the pass is ruled a catch then a fumble..the receiver receives the yards from the pass...and is credited with a fumble

How many fumbles occurred during Super Bowl XLII and by whom?

2 fumbles by Eli Manning from NY Giants and 1 fumble by NE Patriots' Tom Brady

What rhymes with stumbling?

Fumbling, bumbling.

How many fumbles were lost by both teams in Super Bowl XLII?

The Patriots lost one fumble and the Giants lost none.

If fumbled within 5yd line can any offensive player recover the fumble NFL?

Yes. The only rule restricting who may recover a fumble occurs in the final two minutes of a half. This rule states if the ball is fumbled forward in the last two minutes of a half, if the player that fumbled the ball is not the player that recovers the ball, then the ball goes back to the point where it was fumbled. If the player that fumbled is also the player that recovers, the ball is spotted where the recovery was made. In other words, let's say there are less than two minutes left in a half and a player is on the 5 yard line and fumbles the ball forward into the end zone. If the player that fumbled the ball also recovers the ball, the play is ruled a touchdown. If any other offensive player recovers the ball, it is not a touchdown and the ball is brought back to the 5 yard line and the offense keeps possession. If a defensive player recovers the ball, it is ruled a touchback.

What happens if a team fumbles the ball into the opposing team's endzone?

When the ball is fumbled, it can be recovered by any player on the field. if the defense recovers the fumble, the defensive player can attempt to run the ball in order to gain yards, because once it is clear that the defense have the ball, it is officially in their possession. If the offense regains control of the ball it is an automatic first down.

What is the record for the most players to fumble in a single NFL game?

Most fumbles by a single player was Len Dawson, Kansas City vs. San Diego, Nov. 15, 1964 (7). Not sure aout the highest number of different players to commit a fumble in one game.