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Q: Who was great nfl cornerback who couldn't do drills good?
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Good cornerback numbers for football?

4, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 34 the list cud go on but great cornerback numbers are in the 20s, and early 30s... but you could use something in the 40s also ( i had a cornerback friend who wore 42) but if you could get a hold of something small, you could give it a try aswell , its flashy

What is the plural of drill?

The plural of fire drill is fire drills. As in "fire drills are a good practice".

Is The Shadow a good football nickname?

Yes, I think The Shadow is a good name for a cornerback.

What is the plural of fire drill?

The plural of fire drill is fire drills. As in "fire drills are a good practice".

What are some good basketball drills?

free throws and ball handling drills. Another good drill for your shot is to spin the basketball in front of you. Jump torwards the ball and catch it in your stance.

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no not really. they couldnt afford any presents!

What are good shooting drills for basketball?

practicing. practice makes perfect!

What is the website CK Tools all about?

CK Tools is a company that sells hand tools. These tools include screwdrivers, hammers, drills, knifes, and more. These tools are of a good quality and great price.

What sorts of basketball drills can one do with just a ball?

Some good basketball drills include running up and down the court while bouncing the ball. Try to put the ball through your legs. You can find more drills at

Are running drills good to prevent soccer ACL injuries?

Slow stretching exercises before and after each practice and game are the best prevention. Running drills are good for building stamina, preventing cramps and working on sprinting speed.

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why did dinosaurs walk the planet, because they couldnt get their feet on the bicycle pedals

How much time should you put into your softball drills without draining you before a game?

Any where from an hour to an hour and a half with out draining the players is a good time for drills warming up and stretching.