Barry Horne. He equalised Nigel Pearson's strike to give Everton a 1-1 draw with Sheffield Wednesday, on 15 August 1992.
Ian Rush
Brian Dean (sheffield United)
It is porpeschue.
mark hughes
Brian Deane
brian deane
Darren fleacher Darren fleacher
Following a 1-0 loss in their first Premier League game away at Nottingham Forest, Mark Walters scored Liverpool's first ever Premier League goal at home against Sheffield United on 19-Aug-1992 to equalise a Brian Deane goal. Paul Stewart scored the winning goal in the second half for a 2-1 victory.
The first goal scored in the 2009-10 English Premier League season was by Stephen Hunt (Hull City) vs Chelsea at Stamford Bridge on the 15th August 2009. He scored in the 27th minute on his competitve debut.
manish pandey scored the first century for Rcb