

Best Answer

Anthony Adams -95

Al Afalava -24

Richard Angulo

Devin Aromashodu -19

Johan Asiata -62

Brett Basanez -14

Josh Beekman -67

Kahlil Bell -32

Earl Bennett -80

Zack Bowman -35

Lance Briggs -55

Kevin Brock

Alex Brown -96

Desmond Clark -88

Jay Cutler -6

Rashied Davis -81

Kellen Davis -87

Matt Forte -22

Roberto Garza -63

Jarron Gilbert -90

Robbie Gould -9

Corey Graham -21

Caleb Hanie -12

Tommie Harris -91

Marcus Harrison -94

Devin Hester -23

Hunter Hillenmeyer -92

Israel Idonije -71

Juaquin Iglesias -17

Kevin Jones -27

Johnny Knox -13

Olin Kreutz -57

Lance Louis -60

Kevin Malast

Patrick Mannelly -65

James Marten -72

Brad Maynard -4

Richmond McGee -10

Jason McKie -37

Henry Melton -69

D.J. Moore -30

Greg Olsen -82

Frank Omiyale -68

Kevin Payne -44

Eric Peterman

Kevin Shaffer -78

Tim Shaw -58

Craig Steltz -20

Will Ta'ufo'ou -45

Charles Tillman -33

Matt Toeaina -75

Woodny Turenne -47

Brian Urlacher -54

Nathan Vasher -33

Chris Williams -74

Garrett Wolfe -25

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Jay Cutler is, who was traded for Kyle Orton from the Denver Broncos.

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Jay Cutler is the Bear's # 1 Quarterback.

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Kordell Stewart, Vince Evans

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Nathan Enderle

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Jay Cutler

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jay cutler

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Jay Cutler

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Q: Who plays quarter back for the Chicago Bears?
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D.J. Williams plays Line Back for the Chicago Bears.

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Lawrence Wilson plays Line Back for the Chicago Bears.

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