The smallest strikeout to at bat ratio is Joe Sewell who had 114 strikeouts in 7132 at bats. The highest is Rob Deer who had 1409 strikeouts in 3881 at bats.
That is considered a strike.
Yes...but if he switches after the second strike and then hits a ball foul...the foul counts as a strike and he is out
A sub is put in for the injured player...the at bat is continued by the sub and begins his at bat with a one strike count......Anytime during an "AT BAT" the batter can be substituted for but the sub comes to bat with whatever the ball/strike count was of the player he replaced.
Yes it does count
if the batter is in bunting position(with the bat over the plate) he needs to pull the bat back. Otherwise strike. And if he has 2 strikes and fouls off a bunt its considered strike three.
The baseball player swung his bat, hoping to strike the ball.
Yes, it is scored as an official time at bat and a strikeout.
Strike one! Strike two! Strike three! You're out!!
The pitch being outside of the strike zone
Type your answer here... strike out
if the batter doesnt pulll back the bat its considered a strike It depends If the bat passes the front of the plate then it is a strike If the bat stays behind the plate it is the ball It is determined the same way that a held swing is