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The game jerseys are made by Reebok but replicas and other jerseys are made by CCM or Bauer.

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Q: Who makes Major League Baseball jerseys?
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Which company currently makes Major League Baseball's jerseys?


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Major league baseball players

Who makes Major League Baseball's schedules?

Bud Selig

What manufacturer makes the baseball used in the major leagues?

Spalding along with the Reach label was producing Major league baseball for about 100 years until Rawlingstook over in 1977, and Rawlings have been making major league baseballs ever since.

How much does major league baseball players earn?

Depends on how good you are. Dustin Pedroidia makes $380,000 and Alex Rodriguez makes $27,708,525.

What is Mississippi Mud in Major League Baseball mean?

its what the teams rub on each ball every game. Makes it a little more grippy.

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National Football League trainers earn right around $128,458 per year. In Major League Baseball, the annual salary for a trainer is around $51,500 per year.

Why are there 108 double stitches on a Major League Baseball?

It's just the way the baseball was designed, the way the stitches are applied on the ball it makes it possible for a pitcher to throw all different kinds of pitches.

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NCAA = National Collegiate Athletic Association, which is a college association made up of college teams and players who do not get paid, but usually play for a free scholarship MLB = Major League Baseball, which is a professional association made up of professional teams and paid players

Who makes more money the National Football League or Major League Baseball?

MLB cause they have less people on the team so less people means more money for the team to have so they give them more. NFL- has alot of players on a team so that means more money the coaches have to pay so they get less cause they dont get alot.

Who is the phillie phanathic?

The Phillie Phanatic is the mascot of the Phillies, an Major League Baseball team. His green fur and odd personality makes him arguably the best mascot in all of professional sports.

Who makes MLB baseballs?

Some time around 1876, Albert G. Spalding and his brother, J. Walter Spalding, obtained the right to produce the official National League baseball, which they would continue to produce for the next 100 years.The American League, formally the American League of Professional Baseball Clubs combined with the National league in 1901 to form Major League baseball. Alfred James Reach, owner of The Reach sporting Goods company, sold his company to Spalding in 1889. Spalding continued to use the Reach label produced American League baseballs beginning in 1901.NOTE: American League baseballs with the Reach Trademark had Red & Blue stitching, and the National League Spalding Trademark baseballs had Black & Red stitching up until about 1934/35 when in both league started using only red stitching.Spalding along with the Reach label was producing Major league baseball for about 100 years until Rawlings took over around 1970, and Rawlings have been making major league baseballs ever since.