Whether one favours overall skill and athleticism, or whether one favours overall Basketball power and legendary singular feat capacity would decide whether the choice was to be Michael Jordan or Wilt Chamberlain.
For instance, among other things, Chamberlain will always be remembered for his superb 100 point game in 1962, and averaged over 50 points a game over more than one season.
On the other hand, Jordan was known for his superb balance and skills and his mercurial athleticism.
Michael Jordan is totally the best basketball player ever to play the game. He won 6 championships and could have one more if his father id not die. But, right now I would think LeBron James and Kobe Bryant are the best. That's my opinion!
michael jordan
Michael Jordan is considered the worlds best basketball player. He won 6 championships.
Kobe Bryant
Kareem Jabbar is argulaby the best basketball player In history
Michael Jordan Was The Best To Ever Play The Game Of Basketball.
Michael Jordan or kareem Abdul jabbar
yes he is frickin the best
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MASOOD JAFARI the worlds best soccer player ever in history of football
Michael Jordan. But here in the Philippines, my best basketball player is Robert Jaworski.
Plays Basketball for the Miami Heat other than Michael Jordan lebron #6 is an ok nba basketball player in the nba basketball history.