In my opinion the most skillful players in Soccer are Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, and David Beckam.
She is academically smart, but not very considerate to elders or the disabled.
It typically refers to an individual who is academically educated and the degree is a validation of that education typically particular to a specific field of study. This does not mean that there are no other individuals without an education. Some are self taught, other have learned through life experience, and others through many other means. I believe we must also remember that being educated in one area, does not mean educated in all areas. We are all ignorant to areas we know little about. Lastly, academically educated does not mean that the individual can appropriately use the acquired knowledge appropriately and with wisdom.
The most famous lady footballer is the American footballer Mia Haam.
Meera bai was spiritually knowledge d, hence educated terminology is accepted, though academically nil according to present trend. Many educated people do not have qualified suffixes, Many qualified fools with no education in civic sense exists.
the most educated state is Massachusetts
The best footballer in 2006 was Christiano Ronaldo.
The comparative form of educated is more educated. The superlative form is most educated.
Kerla is the most educated country in India.
Academically, he was a well-rounded student.She fell behind her peers academically and socially.
The most goals scored by a footballer is 10000 and by Tanishq Malhotra . (he just the best footballer i the world )
The french footballer to score the most E.P.L goals is Theirry Henry.
The correct spelling is "academically."