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anyone who douse not play

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Q: Who is rubbish at football?
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Are you rubbish at football?

Yes I am. Are you?

Is lampard good at football?

no he's rubbish

Why is football rubbish?

Some People like Football, Some People do not. Its an Opinion!

Why are Liverpool football club rubbish?

get a life they arent

Is there a football program?

Yes its called Footieis rubbish :)

Why is England a rubbish football team?

England is a rubbish team because they played against Germany and they lost 4,1.

Why is England's football team rubbish?

England is a rubbish team because they played against Germany and they lost 4,1.

Why arent derby doing well in the football?

Because they are rubbish.

Why is Liverpool football club so rubbish this year?

Cause they are!

Is England a rubbish football team?

Yes, or no - depends who you ask.

Can Liverpool be called rubbish?

No they are the best football club ever!!!

Why are man city rubbish?

There not,Man city are a good team i admit that the manager dosent have a clue what he is doing but they are not ruining football and are not rubbish