Ray Allen because he is one of the only players ever to keep on running around screens just to get the ball. Also most of the times he is assigned to the other team's star (Kobe, Wade, Monta,etc).
A soccer player.
Soccer. Because it is worldwide not nationwide, they make a lot more from ticket sales to merchandise ect.
Soccer is more popular
not at all i m more of a basketball player i am always post cause i am tall
A soccer player, Ronaldo from real Madrid is paid 126 millions of euros
Soccer Players. The field is much larger, and endurance is a much larger factor in soccer. Soccer games are also MUCH longer than basketball games, no matter what level you're playing in. Also, there are only 3 substitutions allowed the whole soccer match as opposed to unlimited in basketball. Basketball players run an average of 5 miles per game while soccer players run 7 miles per game.
That is true in a way. In the US basketball is more popular than soccer. That is why basketball players are paid more. In other countries, soccer is more popular so soccer players get paid more. Soccer in the US is becoming increasingly popular. Soon soccer players could be paid as much as basketball players.
Soccer by far. The size of soccer fields are much bigger than basketball courts. Also the shape that soccer players are in beats the shape of some basketball players one to none. occer players also play for a total of 90 minutes while in basketball it is 48 minutes. ( In soccer only 3 players can be switched out leaving 8 players on the field for the whole game, where as in basketball you can switched out at anytime.) Soccer is a combination of speed, endurance, stamina, skill, and teamwork. It is also a sport that uses strategy, strength, and your mind to find the best pass or to get around a defender. Basketball is more of upper arm strength and how the NBA stars look, soccer is played internationally. Both sports take a lot of training and skill however soccer has many more long term benefits.
Basket Ball Because Many People watch soccer but more play Basketball.
Basketball is more expensive and soccer has more budget, the NBA is in a lockout right now due to budget impacts
soccer mostly, basketball too but soccer is more popular
it depends on how skilled you are and your worth. also position.