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Jump ball.....(in case you don't know what that is, the two players who had their hand on the ball stand opposite to each other and the ref tosses the ball up, the players then have to tip the ball to their teammates)

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The first possession in a Basketball game is determine by a tip off. In the tip off the center will "tip" the ball to one of his teammates in order to gain the first possession

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Q: Who has first possession of the ball in a basketball game?
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In Basketball what determines which team gets possession to start second quarter?

the opposit team that started out with the ball at the begining of the game

When the game of basketball was first invented what was the game played with?

it was a soccer ball

In a basketball game each half time period started with?

In a basketball game, each half time period does not start the same way. The first half starts with a jump ball with the players at center court, although the following quarters simply have the teams rotate possession, and take the ball from out of bounds.

What was the first basketball game like?

The first ball game was with a bucket( used as a hoop. And if the ball made it into the bucket, you would climb up a latter to get it

Why soccer ball was the first ball used to play basketball?

Soccer was known and played before Basketball. At first the game was said to involve elements of American Football, Soccer and Hockey but these were just a means to describing the new game to outsiders, so Soccer ball was used until the first Basketball was manufactured in 1894.

When does the clock start in basketball game?

Starts with possession of jump-ball to start game

When was the first Spalding basketball made?

The first Spalding basketball was made in 1894 by Albert Goodwull Spalding - three years after the invention of the game in 1891. When the game of basketball was first invented, it was actually played with a soccer ball.

When you use your fingertips to push the ball what is that call?

Using your fingertips to push the ball in basketball is typically referred to as dribbling. Dribbling allows a player to move with the ball while maintaining possession and is a fundamental skill in the game.

How was the first game played of basketball?

it was played when you had to make a ball intohoop

What team starts the second half in a basketball game?

It all depends on who got the basketball at the beginning of the game. Whoever gets the ball after the jump ball also gets it fourth quarter. The other team gets the ball second and third quarter. Hope I answered your question! Good luck!

Whats the only game played with a ball that when you have possession of the ball you are on defence?
