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the opposit team that started out with the ball at the begining of the game

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

the team who last had the ball before the buzzer sounded

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The possession arrow.

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Q: In Basketball what determines which team gets possession to start second quarter?
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What team starts the second half in a basketball game?

It all depends on who got the basketball at the beginning of the game. Whoever gets the ball after the jump ball also gets it fourth quarter. The other team gets the ball second and third quarter. Hope I answered your question! Good luck!

Who would have the ball after the first quarter?

The team that possessed the ball at the end of the first quarter would have possession of the ball at the start of the second quarter. Game play continues between the first and second quarters, and also between the third and fourth quarters. So if a team is in the middle of a drive at the end of the first quarter, play will resume for that team wherever it ended when the quarter expired. The only difference is that teams exchange ends of the field between quarters, so that if the team in possession is on the 30-yard line at the end of the quarter, play will move to the opposite 30-yard line at the start of the next quarter.

What is 24 second violation in basketball?

In basketball, there is a 24 second shot clock. As soon as a team gets possession of the ball they have 24 seconds to attempt a shot, if they don't get a shot off within that time limit, it's called a 24 second violation, and then the ball goes over to the other team.

Do you know how many halves are in a quarter in a football game?

There are four quarters with a halftime period that follows the second quarter in ncaa football.

Does the full moon happen in the first quarter or second quarter?

In the second quarter.

What is the second letter of a seven letter word meaning one-fourth?

The second letter of quarter is u.The answer is the letter u, as the word is quarter.u as in quarter

What is second quarter?

The second quarter of the calendar year is April, May and June

Do you play 4 quarters or 4 periods in basketball?

Professional basketball (NBA and FIBA) has its games divided into quarters, as do high school ball (at least in my experience). NCAA basketball games are divided into two 20 minute halves, as are many recreational leagues. So, does basketball have quarters? Sometimes.

How many weeks is in second quarter of 2015?

There are 13 weeks in the second quarter of 2015.

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How many months are there in a Second Quarter?

same as in the first, third, and fourth quarters.. 3

How many minutes are there in a basketball game?

It depends on which basketball organization your talking about because they have different time. In the NBA there are four quarters which are 12:00 (twelve minutes) long following a halftime break after the second quarter. In FIBA basketball it consist of four quarters that has a time limit of 10:00 (ten minutes) following a halftime break after the second quarter. In the NCAA (college basketball), there are no quarters instead they are two twenty minute halves.