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It is hard to say, some of the highest paid Indian Premier League players get paid huge amounts of money but it on a year long basis, some of the top European footballers would have still got paid more.

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13y ago
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14y ago

The wages are not that much different. Professional Rugby Player and Cricketers are paid on average 25,000 per year. This is without appearance fees, after dinner speeches etc which increase income considerably

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13y ago

Cricket players get paid 500 million dollars a year, especially India after world cup, Baseball players it is only 22 million. Cricket players are so much more rich and that's why most Indians and australians go to cricket instead of Basketball, baseball, and football because there is more money.

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12y ago

Yes, because with the IPL, Big Bash, CC, BPL, ICC, and now PPL cricket players are more highly paid then any sport people contract wise without advertisement. The IPL gets them over 27 million to play for 3 weeks. Big Bash is over 22 million for 2 weeks. BPL is over 21 million for a week, and the ICC is minimum 17 million a year. Baseball players earn around 10 million which is nothing compared to cricket players!

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