Mostly the catcher, although the manager has some say, and of course the pitcher is the one who actually has the final say in which pitch is ultimately thrown.
Because a softball is heavier then a baseball.
A Pitch
A changeup pitch is a slow pitch thrown to look like a fastball.
An underarm throw in softball is basically a pitch. If you watch a fast pitch softball team, you will see that the pitcher pitches underhand.
An antonym of catch is pitch or throw.
Toss or pitch would be a couple.
Rip Sewell is credited with inventing the eephus pitch.
you call it a Neekeetia ? Everyone calls it that
The speed you throw it at, wind, if you have put spin on the ball, the direction you throw it, the grip you had on it, rain, your height, your strength, your skill, the pitch if it lands directly on it and the players on the pitch that you are throwing it towards or who may intercept it.
Yes almost all do