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The most common people who score goals in Lacrosse, are people who play the attack position. They are stationed on the opponents side of the field, ready to receive pass and cannon a shot into the goal. Midfielders(also known as Middies) are also very common scorers in Lacrosse. They can run anywhere on the field, but they start in the middle. They are not always near the opponents goal, so it is less often that they score. Also, It is not a middies main job to score, but it is an attack player's main job to score. There is one more player that can score, and that is the goalie. The goalie is allowed to run across the field with the ball and score. This is a very risky move though. Because if an opposing player steals the ball from the goalie, they could run to the goalie-free net and pop it in. So that is the lineup for the players that score goals in lacrosse.

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Girls lacrosse is a type of sport played with sticks that have nets on the end. A small and hard rubber ball is passed among players on the same team and shot through goals at either end of the pitch to score. Each team has 11 field players and one goalie on the field during the game.

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it does not really matter that matters is if your comfortable with your head like my lacrosse head stinks and i score like 5 goals a game

What game using sticks and a rubber ball and has ten players on each side?

The game you are referring to is likely lacrosse. Lacrosse is a team sport that involves players using sticks with a netted "head" to catch, carry, and pass a rubber ball in order to score goals by shooting the ball into the opposing team's goal. Each team typically has 10 players on the field at a time.

How is the game lacrosse won?

Umm... you score more goals than the other team! You score by putting the ball into the opponent's goal, much like hockey.

What do lacrosse players play with?

a lacrosse stick.

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Its not that they hate baseball or football players. Its that lacrosse players feel they and their sport get no respect. Or that all lacrosse players are rich little white boys.

Where on a lacrosse court can a player score a goal?

A player can score a goal anywhere on the lacrosse field.

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so there can be a winner and loser in the game otherwise why bother playing

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a person who isn't defending. offensive players help score goals.

How many people are on a lacrosse team?

Men's field lacrosse is played with ten players on each team: a goalkeeper; three defenders in the defensive end; three midfielders (often called "middies") free to roam the whole field; and three attackers attempting to score goals in the offensive end.