Former NFL players named Boris: Boris Byrd (1987, New York Giants) Boris Shalapak (1972, Baltimore Colts) Apparently, people named Boris do not have very long NFL careers
Mitt Adams
Ricky Williams is one
Boris Byrd (1987) NY Giants <Kickoff Return Specialist> Boris Lee (2010) USC - Currently Undrafted Free Agent <Linebacker> Boris Shlapak (1972) Baltimore Colts <Kicker>
Atlanta Falcons
Julie Healey
Offensive tackle Billy Milner was with the Dolphins in the 1995 and 1996 seasons. He was a 1st round draft choice of the Dolphins in 1995.
wanted to know if there ever was a nfl player named dungan wanted to know if there ever was a nfl player named dungan
1. Reggie Bush
yes there is