The player who hikes the football to the quarterback is called the Center. In a punting or kicking situation, the person who hikes to ball to the holder (the person who sets the ball on the ground for the kicker) is often referred to as the long snapper.
the center snaps(or hikes)the ball to the quarterback then blocks
the center snaps(or hikes)the ball to the quarterback then blocks
The quarterback is the root to an offense in football. He takes the ball from a center, who hikes the ball to him, and does whatever the play is. He can throw it, run it, hand it off, whatever he wants to do.
the center
Direct Snap
You call it football because you play with ball and kick the ball
A soccer ball is round, a football is shaped like a lemon. A soccer ball is smooth, a football has some grip. A soccer ball is a lot bigger than a football.
no he is called the snapper. Usually the center is the snapper but any lineman may be the snapper.
A Gaelic Football ball is a leather ball, similar to the ball used in soccer.
Every player's position is important. The center hikes the ball to the QB. No center, no hiking the ball. He's also the closest one to the QB, so if he doesn't block well, the QB would get sacked every time. The Center is responsible for calling the blocking assignments of the offensive line and spotting the key defensive players, usually the middle linebacker and, if they are playing up close to the line of scrimmage, the safeties.