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Argentina won the world cup in 1978 and in 1986. In 1978 in was Mario Kemp es the hero, in 1986 it was Mara dona.

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It was Germany.

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In 1978 Argentina beat Holland.

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Q: Which years did Argentina win the world cup soccer?
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When did Argentina win their second world cup of soccer?

Argentina won their second world cup , in the year 1986.

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Argentina has the most sold jersies during FIFA World Cup years

Has world cup soccer ever been played in Argentina?

Argentina were the hosts of the World Cup Finals Tournament in 1978, which they won.

Did the Argentina soccer team ever win the world cup?

Argentina has twice won the FIFA World Cup, in 1978 and 1986.

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Who is 2010 Argentina soccer captain for the world cup?

Javier Mascherano.

Who is Argentina's soccer team captain in 1986?

The captain of Argentina in the 1986 world cup was Diego maradona.

Who is better at soccer Mexico or Argentina?

Yes, Argentina are better than Mexico. Argentina put Mexico out in the last World Cup.

What team were West Germany faced against in the Soccer World Cup Finals?

Argentina played West Germany in the 1986 and 1990 Soccer World Cup Finals.

First World Cup of Soccer?

Soccer's first World Cup was Uruguay 1930 Uruguay won, Argentina was second place and US was third. Yugoslavia was fourth.

What country was the site of the World Cup Soccer Games in 1986?

The 1986 FIFA World Cup was held in Mexico and won by Argentina.

Who is the winner of the soccer World Cup on 1978?

Argentina won the World Cup in 1978, defeating the Netherlands in the final on home soil.