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Yes, Argentina are better than Mexico. Argentina put Mexico out in the last World Cup.

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Q: Who is better at soccer Mexico or Argentina?
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What is the record of the Argentina vs Mexico soccer games?

Mexico & Argentina have faced off 15 times Argentina has won 11 & Mexico 4 Argentina has scored 37 times on Mexico Mexico has scored 24 times on Argentina They have also drawed 10 times (:

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2012 - Mexico 2008 - Argentina 2004 - Argentina

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argentina. all the way matee.

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Argentina in soccer usa in everything else

What 1 country is most popular for soccer?

Brazil, Mexico,Italy and Argentina are famous for soccer.

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Brazil,Mexico,Argentina,and Spain

Is Mexico's boxing better than Mexico's soccer?

Yes Mexico's Boxing Is better.

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It is Italy.

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What is the name of the stadium Mexico vs Argentina?

Soccer city stadium, Johannesburg.

Where did Argentina v Mexico play in 2010?

Soccer city stadium, Johannesburg