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Soccer for sure. In soccer you have to use your feet to move a ball and use other tactics than just knocking into someone and hoping the ball with get to you, like you do in football. Soccer is the sport that requires the most skill.

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Q: Which sport requires the most skills between the NFL and soccer?
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Related questions

What are the core skills of soccer?

one of the core skills of soccer are: actually knowing what soccer is knowing how to play soccer not be afraid to kick the ball know how to kick the ball be a fair sport

Is soccer a crap sport?

heck no! soccer is a really fun sport and it requires a great deal of strength, skill, agility, fitness and not to mention coordination. so anyone that says soccer is a "crap sport" should get a life!

How does football meets the requirements for a sport?

it is the ultimate team sport... requires speed, strength, agility, quick reflexes... the real question is why is soccer a sport

How can you improvement on your soccer?

A true soccer player would improve in soccer by practicing dribbling, skills, punting (goalkeepers), throw-ins, traps, Maradonna, everything that the sport soccer uses, or what you would you use in soccer.

How does soccer teach you a life lesson?

Like any other sport, soccer can teach you motor skills, agility, and coordination. It also teaches teamwork.

Why is soccer become a popular sport?

Because its a real sport that requires a lot of running and you have to be in shape not like baseball or football that has fat people that play! Hahahahaha

Why is basketball better than soccer?

It all depends on your personal preference if you like a sport more than another sport. In my personal opinion, I enjoy soccer more because of the need for foot coordination, it's more competitive, it's the world's sport, and requires skills/grace like no other sport. That's simply my opinion, and to another person, they may see it as a whole different ball game.

Why do some people want to become soccer players?

because it is the most popular sport in the world

What is the most widely played sport in the world?

soccer because it is the worlds sport and razzia is awsome

What sport requires the most intelligence?

AnswerAll sports require there own type of intelligence. If you were figure skating, you would need the intelligence to know exactly what and when to do you jump or whatever. But if you were playing something like hockey, you still need to know where to shoot, when to pass and so on.

What sport in Australia is similar to soccer?

Australia has soccer as a sport. There is no other sport similar to soccer. The various codes of football played in Australia are nothing like soccer.

Is there any specific skills in soccer?

Not exactly, but you must be able to run for long periods of time. You also must have some foot skills, in order to dribble the ball around a player. But overall, soccer is a fun sport for anyone.