There are twelve players on the field in Canadian football. A typical high school team will have approximately 35 players.
1 1/2
This varies by league. Many leagues do not have a roster maximum. Competitive high school leagues will have roster maximums around 25 players. However, on the field at any time there can only be 9 defensive players, the same as Major League Baseball.
the average height of the players on the team is 68 inches.
No you need nine for a full team.
Each league (little league, high school, college) has its own limits as far as how many players can be on a team. In Major League Baseball, there are 25 players on a team.
In Canadian football, while only 12* players are playing on the field at once, teams need more than just 12* players. They must have an offensive and defensive team. Most high school football teams have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string players, so thirty to forty players is a reasonable number. * only 11 in American football
the winning team is rewarded with extra money for scholarships for recruiting high school basketball players to their team
at least 15 people
as many as they want
the team on the court- 6 the whole team in general- 12 to 14 for middle and high school
< 1% of College Players < 0.01% of High School Players