from 0 to 99
Gilbert arenas wears 0, i don't know of any who wear "00"
yes, Gilbert arenas, agent 0, jersey #0
Gilbert Arenas, Arham Gul, LOL!
The answer is 0.
Depending on their position, players in the NFL can wear numbers ranging from 1 to 99. The NFL no longer allows 0 or 00 to be used by players.
It is pretty close to 0. It is estimated as the number of people in the NBA divided by the total population of the world!
Paul Bibeault - Montreal Canadiens 1942-43.Neil Sheehy - Hartford Whalers 1987-88.
Anyone can wear the number 1 on their jerseys. If only the players who were truly #1, and the number really determined how good the player, Gilbert Arenas, one of the best ballers in the history, would be 0 good. So, anybody can have the number 1. The jersey number doesn't determine the player's abilities or potential.
usually basketball players use number 0-5 so that refs can signal their number when calling fouls..
They can wear from 0-99, Major League Baseball won't issue uniforms that have triple digit numbers.
the denver nuggets have won 0 championships, but they have got one of the best players in the nba Carmello Anthony