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Gilbert Arenas

Russell Westbrook on Oklahoma City

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Gilbert Arenas of the Washington Wizards.

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Gilbert Arenas

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Andrew Goudelock, shooting guard

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Q: Which nba players wear number 0?
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What is the highest number on an NBA players uniform?

from 0 to 99

Which nba players wear number 00?

Gilbert arenas wears 0, i don't know of any who wear "00"

Can a NBA player wear a number 0 on his jersey?

yes, Gilbert arenas, agent 0, jersey #0

What NBA players have worn 0?

Gilbert Arenas, Arham Gul, LOL!

Which NBA players came from England?

The answer is 0.

What other number besides 1 can you get in football?

Depending on their position, players in the NFL can wear numbers ranging from 1 to 99. The NFL no longer allows 0 or 00 to be used by players.

What is the probability of making the NBA?

It is pretty close to 0. It is estimated as the number of people in the NBA divided by the total population of the world!

Who wore the number 0 in the NHL?

Paul Bibeault - Montreal Canadiens 1942-43.Neil Sheehy - Hartford Whalers 1987-88.

Which professional atheletes wear number 1?

Anyone can wear the number 1 on their jerseys. If only the players who were truly #1, and the number really determined how good the player, Gilbert Arenas, one of the best ballers in the history, would be 0 good. So, anybody can have the number 1. The jersey number doesn't determine the player's abilities or potential.

Which basketball players have worn jersey number 9?

usually basketball players use number 0-5 so that refs can signal their number when calling fouls..

What is the range for numbers players can wear in baseball?

They can wear from 0-99, Major League Baseball won't issue uniforms that have triple digit numbers.

How many titles have the Denver nuggets won?

the denver nuggets have won 0 championships, but they have got one of the best players in the nba Carmello Anthony