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Gilbert arenas wears 0, i don't know of any who wear "00"

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There may be more but the the only one I know is Spencer hawes

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Q: Which nba players wear number 00?
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What hockey players wear the number 00 in the nhl?


What other number besides 1 can you get in football?

Depending on their position, players in the NFL can wear numbers ranging from 1 to 99. The NFL no longer allows 0 or 00 to be used by players.

Who else has ever worn the NBA jersey number 00?

Robert Parrish

Who is number 00 past or present in the NBA that has died?

dorell arthur;grizzlies

Who wore the number 0 in the NHL?

Paul Bibeault - Montreal Canadiens 1942-43.Neil Sheehy - Hartford Whalers 1987-88.

What players wore number 00 for the Oakland Raiders?

There were two NFL players that wore 00:1) Jim Otto, center for the Oakland Raiders between 1960-1974.2) Ken Burrough, wide receiver for the New Orleans Saints and Houston Oilers between 1970-1981.

How many NBA players wore number 00?

Currently Russel Westbrook for the Oklahoma City Thunder wears number 00, also Gilbert Arenas wore the same number while playing for the Washington Wizards until he was traded to the Orlando Magic.

What uniform number did Boston Celtics great Robert Parish wear?


Which players wore the number 00 while playing for the Detroit Pistons?

the pistons mascot HOOPER

Who wore number 00 for the Pittsburgh Steelers?

Johnny Clement was the only Steelers player to wear #00. He wore it from 1946-1948.

Do football players get to choose their football numbers?

The NBA players can choose any number they want between 00 and 99. However no two players can have the same number on one team. Currently, many players tend to choose lower numbers (under 50). There are very few players with high jersey numbers.

Which current or past NBA players wear number 7?

Some current or past NBA players who wear or wore the number 7 include: J.R. Reid (90's-San Antonio Spurs, Charlotte Hornets, New York Knicks) Dee Brown (1991 Slam Dunk Champion)-Boston Celtics, Toronto Raptors Rafael Addison (90's Detroit Pistons) Lamar Odom (current)-Los Angeles Clippers, Miami Heat, Los Angeles Lakers Kenny Anderson (90's-00's)-New Jersey Nets, Boston Celtics, Charlotte Hornets Channing Frye (current)-New York Knicks Kevin Johnson (80's-90's All-NBA Point Guard) Cleveland Cavaliers, Phoenix Suns