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Q: Which is the first current Test cricket playing nation to host the ICC Mini World Cup?
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Which country has the current cricket world cup?

India has the current cricket world cup.India won it in 2011.

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Which teams were playing in the 1844 cricket world cup?

Those days no Cricket world cup played.

Is Afghanistan playing cricket in icc world cup?

No,afghanistan never played in cricket world cup

Have Australia done good in the cricket world since they won the cricket world cup?

yes australia is playing great cricket

Who was the captain of the West Indies Cricket team in the 1983 Cricket World Cup?

Ottis Gibson is the current coach of the West Indies Cricket team.

Who is the current World Cup holders in cricket?

I don't mean to sound bias but it has to be Australia

How much teams are playing cricket world cup?

14 teams are playing in the world cup 2015

Who is the Current world cricket champions in Test cricket?

india there no doubt about it but they lose it because of the over shedule of ipl

Where is the 2011 cricket World Cup going to be?

The 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup will be the tenth Cricket World Cup, and will be hosted by three South Asian Test cricket playing countries; India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

How did cricket spread in different parts of the world?

while 2 young boys started playing cricket in different parts of the world, the game cricket became famous :P

When did Bangladesh won cricket world cup?

0 Times. Bangladesh has not won the cricket world cup. Australia is the current reigning world champion.