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A lower one because whip is walks + hits / innings pitched. so the less the walks and hits the lower the whip.

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Q: Which is better a lower whip or a higher whip in baseball?
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Which is a better measure of a baseball pitcher his ERA or his WHIP?

ERA because it shows the statistics of the whole game. WHIP shows more of a pitchers clutch ability.

Is a whip better than veracs flail?

The Whip is much better in terms of speed, accuracy and damage.

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Is a whip better then a dragon 2h sword in rs?

yes it is, but a whip is more expensive. i have a whip and its awesome. but u can check the attack bonnuses if your not sure

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Saradomin sword for training strength, whip for attack or defence.

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Mustard is definetly better for you then miracle whip.... So many saturated fats in miracle whip soo little time ya know?! lol

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it u really want the whip keep both. I am a lvl 125 in runescape and i have barrows and keep my drag whip.

How do you add whip to a lacrosse stick?

lacrosse sticks have whip for two main reasons. The first is, so that you can have more powere on shots and crisper passes. This is also a downfall of whip. It requires more strength and power to make a pass because it is going on a straight line. Also with whip you can dip your head back farther and wind up more. With whip you may have to change your game style

Why do you add cool whip to cheesecake?

it tastes better...

Lower ab workout?

The Pilates Stomach series is sure to whip the abdominals into shape!

Who hold the best whip in baseball?

Brad Kilby of the Oakland A's