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Q: Which city has the most blue collar sports fans?
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When was Midwest Sports Fans created?

Midwest Sports Fans was created in 2008.

Are there any sports bars in New York City that cater to Red Sox fans during baseball season?

There are very few sports bars that only cater to Red Sox fans in New York City. Some can be found though for NYC residents that support the red sox.

What is the percentage of sports fans?

82 percent of American people are sports fans

What sports team has the most fans?

Manchester united - 330 million fans worldwide

Which sports city has the meanest fans?

Cleveland. There all verbally abusive to your psychi They just complain and give you dirty looks if they know you are outa towners

What eastern US city ran public service ads asking sports fans to curtail their excessive booing in 2000?


Why do sports attract so many fans?

because the people who don't have anything else to do watch tv and they find sports so they become fans

How many women are sports fans?

Quite a few.

Which sports team has the largest number of fans?


Reasons why sports fans tend to stay health?

Sport fans stay healthy because why try to be like the player. This is why they call them fans.

What are CN blue fans called?

BOICE (pronounced as VOICE) is a combination of the words Blue and Voice. Blue represents CNBLUE and Voice represents the fans. The two words together show symbolism that CNBLUE will always be together with the fans.

Which American sports Team has the most fans?

Pittsburgh Steelers