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Nobody is quite sure when the game of Lacrosse was first played. The game dates back to the Indian times, with the Ojibwa, Mohawk, Iroquois, and Choctaw tribes. The game was played in fields, with no boundaries and no padding of any kind. In the game, the only rules were you couldn't use your hands. Women were not allowed to play lacrosse, as the game often got very physical. Goals were spread anywhere from a half a mile, to several miles apart. There could be anywhere from 50 to 1000 people playing at a time.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Depends on what you mean by the first game. The first college games was played in 1887 between new york university and Manhattan college. There is no written record of a first game but lacrosse was played by the Native Americans for hundreds of years

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16y ago

were do lacrosse the sport come from ? were do lacrosse the sport come from ?

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15y ago

Lacrosse was originated by the Native Americans in North America. They have been playing this sport for a few hundred years now.

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10y ago

Lacrosse is thought to have originated in Canada. The game of lacrosse was played by various Native American and Plains Indian tribes.

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13y ago

The sport of lacrosse first started as a war game. It was used to settle disputes between Native American tribes.

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What is lacross?

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What continent was lacrosse played on first?

it was first played in north America

Lacrosse was played on what continent?

Lacrosse first originated on the continent of North America.

In which state was lacrosse first played?

Lacrosse was first played by Indians... there were no states back then find which Indians first played it then find the region in which the Indians lived then estimate which state it is

What does the name lacrosse mean and where was its origins?

Lacrosse was first played by the Potawatomi Indians as a celebration.

Where was the first lacrosse team located?

Native Americans played lacrosse to train for war.

What was the first continent lacrosse was played in?

north America

What was the first sport played in Canada?

Lacrosse is the first sport played in Canada which is also the first sport invented.

How did lacrosse become popular?

Lacrosse was first played by Indians as war training. Later on, lacrosse started to be played on the East Coast. It then started spreading all over the U.S. and other countries.

When was lacrosse made?

It was first played in 1876 by native Americans.

Where can lacrosse be played?

Lacrosse is usually played on Grass of Turf.

What sport was originally played by Native Americans and later adapted by French and Canadian pioneers?

StickBall Apex: Lacrosse

What did algonquins do for fun?

They played the forerunner of Lacrosse.