Mickey Rooney and his wife Jan live in Westlake Village, CA, a suburb north of Los Angeles.
Mickey Rooney was born Joseph Yule, Jr.
No. Mickey Rooney's birth name is Joseph Yule, Jr. -- he adopted his screen name Mickey from one of his first roles, Mickey McGuire. He said that the Rooney came from a facetious suggestion of "Looney" by his mother.
Mickey Rooney used to weight 8 KG when he was still a teenager.
Mickey Rooney (born September 23, 1920) passed away April 6, 2014 .
Mickey Rooney passed away April 6, 2014 . He was ninety-three years of age .
Yes , Mickey Rooney served honorably in the U.S. Army during World War II .
The Mickey Rooney Show - 1954 Mickey and the Mummy 1-22 was released on: USA: 29 January 1955
Joe Yule is Mickey Rooney's real name. Mickey Rooney is Joe Yule's third stage name.
Yes Mickey Rooney was a performer at Superbowl XXI. The theme was the 100th birthday of Hollywood.
Mickey Rooney