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Green Bay Packers stock is not stock that you can just buy. It is offered by the Green Bay Packers, and sale of stock has to be approved by the existing shareholders. The last time stock was offered for sale was 1997-1998 for $200 per share to raise funds for improving Lambeau Field. The sale raised more than $24 million, about 1/3 of that in the first 11 days of the offering.

People who own shares of of GBP stock cannot be sold to others--it can only be sold back to the team. The stock doesn't appreciate in value, no dividends are paid, and there are no season ticket privileges. However, the stock certificate is really cool, and you can proudly say you own part of a professional football team!

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When the Packers put them on sale -- which they rarely do. As of December 2011, you can buy shares for $250 each, with the sale continuing until February 2012.

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in Graz, Austeria stock exchange

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