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There are two locations that claim the first game of hockey was played there. The first is Kingston, Ontario, and the sceond is a small town in New Brunswick, both of which are in Canada. Hockey is Canada's favourite winter sport, and it is now played in over 80 different countries around the world. Jim Bunting. Toronto.
Although specifically, there are too many storiesto say where, it is certain it was in Eastern Canada. However, many arge thousands of years ago a similar game that sonewhat resembles hockey was played in Egypt that it was Egypt, the game is more of a Field Hockey and was very different in many ways and in no way connected to the modern hockey game.

Hockey has elements of many games, including Lacrosse, field hockey, etc, which were adapted for the game on ice. For good information on the origins of the

game I would suggest you read good articles on the game from Wikipedia or Mr. Stan Fischler's great book called Hockey Chronicles.

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13y ago
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14y ago

England, but originated to Canada during the War of 1812. The soldiers invented it for fun and now came a game of field hockey, street hockey, and Ice Hockey.These sports are fun to play!:)

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16y ago

Hockey was started from India in 2500 B.C. during the Indus Valley civilization

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13y ago

some losers think Russia, but its not

somewhere in Canada, maybe Montreal or Kingston

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11y ago

It orriganated from Canada, but it moved down and arround the world. I know because I'm a Ice Hockey player!

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15y ago

I guess with people, twigs and some ice.

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16y ago

dont know

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4y ago

England but came to Canada in 1845

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