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Accurate descriptions and preferably, pictures offer opportunities for quick accurate appraisals wherever owners might live. Baseballs featuring the genuine autograph of Babe Ruth are highly sought by collectors and potentially very valuable. Unfortunately, they are also very often forged. Presuming authenticity, other key factors are: the placement and clarity of the signature, the type of ball (is it an "Official American League" ball), and the all-important condition of the ball and signature. Essentially, the bigger and bolder, the better. The provenance; the who, what, when and where of a signed ball's history, may also add value if documented. If genuine, your ball would be worth $1500 to as much as $6,000, depending on all the aforementioned factors. With Autographs, a picture is truly worth the proverbial thousand words, and can save alotta time in the authentication, appraisal, and selling process. ++ Please feel free to contact me with pictures and additional questions regarding this ball or any vintage Sports Memorabilia. I've seriously collected Baseball Memorabilia for 30+ years and am always interested in nice items and "finds." I'd really like to know more about this ball.

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Q: Where could a Babe Ruth baseball be appraised in the Midwest?
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How could you tell Buth Ruth signed a baseball?

it wouldn't matter, babe Ruth is the signature your looking for

Babe Ruth played which sport?

Babe Ruth played baseball

Is babe Ruth colored?

no babe ruth was the whitest cracker in baseball

What is the The Babe real name?

Babe Ruth. He was a VERY famous baseball player, (he was also in the baseball hall of fame!)

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my mom

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The 1914 Babe Ruth baseball card, produced by the Baltimore Sun Newspaper was the first Babe Ruth card.

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