Typically league rules are posted on their website or you can request a copy from the league office. In general leagues try to align their rules with major men's organization rules so NFL, NCAA, etc.
the football association's board
Well, mostly all the rules are the same, the only difference in the rules are the ones that have to do with contact. Tha whole point is also the same
you can't.... the NFL has rules against it now. Pretty soon it will be flag football.
No. Touch is touch rugby league is tackle google the rules :)
Yes highschool regulations do not have any rules against women playing football.
the difference between ancient and modern rules for soccer/football are as follows: the new rules are stricter there is no physical violence allowed now there are regulations that must be followed
Well, even though this question has been placed under Australian football, yet it has nothing to do with Aussie Rules. Touch football is normally a 'softer'/non-tackle version of rugby.
yes there is basketball rules and regulations
it's more the study of WHEN TO FOLLOW rules and regulations.
You need at least 4 people to play football and you need two goals or a line to cross. You can play tackle or non-tackle based on the the people who are playing. For instance, if it's a girl it might be two hand touch, if its a guy you can tackle. Whatever rules you want to play by is up to you.