Well, mostly all the rules are the same, the only difference in the rules are the ones that have to do with contact. Tha whole point is also the same
Epic Flag Football - 2012 was released on: USA: 9 April 2012 (MTSU Student Film Festival)
Wikipedia is a helpful online tool for these types of questions as it has a world of knowledge available. A local library may have a rule book for flag football too.
They don't.
The flags have some similarities, but are far from identical. Both feature a a drawing of the sun and the colors blue and white, but the suns are dissimilar and the blues are different shades.
There is no relationship between the French flag and the country of Cameroon. The related question "what do the colors of the French flag stand for" is answered below.
In flag football, you don't bring the person with the ball to the ground, you just yank one of the flags on their belt off and that is a tackle. Also, you don't wear pads and you can't make contact.
There is no tackle in flag football
1) In flag football, padding and helmets are not used. 2) In tackle football in order to bring down a ball carrier you have to tackle him and his knee has to touch the ground. Where as in flag football only the flag has to be pulled off in order to bring the ball carrier to a stop. 3) Offensive and Defensive lineman are not usually used in flag football.
If you tackle in flag football it is a penalty.
Touch Football
It depends on the league but usually sometimes they play flag football for a few years and then move up to tackle football
Same time as tackle football, when a player gets in the end zone with the football, but usually its not a rushing touchdown in flag football.
none. It is a sport. Colleges might have a flag football elective.
Flag football is very similar to regular football. It is played without pads and a "tackle" is accomplished by removing a flag from a ball carrier's belt.
Well in tackle football you have to 4 downs to make it all the way to the endzone. In flag football if the flag on your belt is pulled you have a little more time to make a score. ----------------------------------------------------- 90% of rules in Flag versus Tackle are the same. In flag, you cannot make blows to other players including when you block. But the specifics vary from local league to local league. Players must all have two flags on a belt that can be pulled off. When pulled off the play is dead right there. That is the equivalent to a tackle. In flag there are no fumbles. If the ball is dropped it is blown dead because you don't want unprotected players diving on the ground for a loose football. In tackle, you have full gear, including a helmet, pants, and shoulder pads. There are subtle differences between Pee-wee, Jr Pee-Wee, and grasscutters in tackle. For instance, all kids of a certain weight must have a stripe on their helmet and line up between the offensive tackles. In Middle School, Freshman, JV and Varsity all the rules are typically same and governed by the NFHS. Your local flag football association has rule books you can get that show the rule exceptions to between their rules and those of the NHFS.
Real Difference for example: In all United States High Schools; if football is played, tackle football is played by men, and flag football is played by girls or for fun. In tackle football, the ball carrier needs to be taken to the ground by a tackle. The knee needs to hit the ground, by getting hit to the ground. In touch football, or in the many variations such as one-touch and two-touch, you merely need to touch the ball carrier for him to be "down". In flag football, players wear flags, usually attached to the waist by Velcro. The tackler must pull off the ball carrier's flag thing for him to be "down."
the diffrance is that flag is for wimps and football is for men that dont mind to get hurt every now and then Haha,, flag foot-ball is for Strights,,, tackle foot-ball is just a bunch of guys running around in spandex and jumping on top of each other--- then saying there not gay,,, i got no prob;em with gay people,, just admit it!!!,, jksjks,, i jus see no point in football The real difference is that Touch football - is where the opposing team has to try and touch the players they are against with the ball (the team has five chances and once they have been touched 5 times they must give the ball to the other team) Flag football - is the same but instead of touching they have to grab the flag which is attached to the team with the ball they also have have 5 chances Tackle football - is the same but this time you must tackle the team with the ball to the ground (they also have 5 chances)