.A rod uses a pro rv23 customized with a single post hinged web 12 1/4 inches.
Rawlings brand. Model: PRO-RV23
If you go to http://www.rawlings.com/customglove/ and view all the pro's customized gloves you can see his.
Rawlings Pro 8 is a 12" glove!
a baseball glove
You can get one online on sports gear marketplaces like Round 2 or sideline swap. eBay is also a good place to look. That is an extremely rare glove these days....hard to find. I just bought one a month ago on eBay, and sideline swap currently has one for sale right now, too. So I'd hurry!!!!
Leather quality, pro preferred retains shape, gold glove is pre broken in so it loses its shape easily, price, overall quality.
he uses the Mizuno Classic Pro™ GMP7BK Ball Glove
rawlings pro preffered
Rawlings Pro CMHCBT.
nike diamond elite pro
he is using tpx pro