You can buy a replica helmet at stores that specialize in various memorabilia such as things other than autographed baseball cards. You can also find some for sale on eBay.
No, it is not normally a crime to purchase a replica (unless you plan to see it on) but it is a crime to sell one as 'real' when it is a fake.
One can purchase a replica of RAF jacket at The Fedora Lounge, BBC Shop, Surplus and Outdoors, Online Militaria, Paddelaters, Flight Jacket, eBay and British Legion.
One can purchase some Guess replica handbags by visiting websites online that offer these replica handbags. You can also visit local markets that sell these kind of knock-off products and there is usually always replica products there.
Replica jewelry can be purchased wherever fine jewelry is sold. Fantasy Jewelry, Ziamond, Emitations, Eve's Addiction and Blue Nile sell replica jewelry, as do Blue Nile and Viennois.
One can purchase a replica watch in the UK on various websites like Amazon, eBay and TheWatchHut. One could also go to a local watch shop in the UK and ask if they have any replica watches for sale.
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15.99 on ebay
Replica clothing may be purchased at the website Apparel Showroom as well as Humming Fashion and Vanilla Monkey. It can also be purchased at Fashion003 and Zenu Fashion.