Eric Gelinas is number 22 on the New Jersey Devils.
Eric Zicklin was born in 1967, in New Jersey, USA.
Eric Gelinas plays for the New Jersey Devils.
Eric Gelinas plays defense for the New Jersey Devils.
Eric Smith
Eric Kaye was born on May 30, 1970, in Livingston, New Jersey, USA.
Eric Bross was born on January 21, 1964, in Newark, New Jersey, USA.
You can't buy his jersey, cause you are not purebred enough. You have to deserve that jersey.
Eric Nies was born on May 23, 1971, in Ocean Township, New Jersey, USA.
Eric Gingold was born on December 26, 1973, in North Caldwell, New Jersey, USA.
Eric Hackler was born on July 9, 1991, in Red Bank, New Jersey, USA.
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