Chest passes are really good for center passes or when a team mate (eg: wing defence) is free, there light easy passes . but do not use chest passes in the goal thirds.. much much to risky, use lobs (high passes *one hand ) or shoulder pass, even a bounce pass is better then a chest.
a chest pass in Basketball is where you throw or aim the ball between the upper chest to the upper hips when you are throwing it.
Basketball PassesThe four types of passes in basketball is the chest pass, the bounce pass the overhead pass and the side pass or outlet pass which ever you prefer!!! :-)labchestbounceoverheadskipwraparoundtip
no the main passes in Basketball are, the javelin pass, chest pass, and long pass, these are the three main passes in basketbal with the long and javelin pass being similar in that they are used to get the ball up court for someone to drive into the key.
The chest pass is a basketball technique that uses the shoulder joint to extend and propel the ball forward. The motion involves pushing the ball from the chest using a combination of both arms and shoulders.
1. bounce pass 2. chest pass 3. back board bass? 4. ? 5. ?
Bounce pass Chest pass Over head pass I think there's a Baseball pass too. It is used for half-court/full-court passes. They are very accurate. I use them quite often.
1.Chest pass 2.Lobb Pass 3.Bounce pass
Well if you are looking to train muscles to make your passes stronger, then i would highly suggest you work on your arms, chest, core and legs. These are the most important muscles in every pass i can think of. Legs not as much I guess but it would help to have legs tht can support a big body.
Bounce pass
The chest pass is the most common pass in basketball and will be used most frequently in games. To teach the chest pass, have the passer hold a ball at chest level with both hands, knees slightly bent, and feet shoulder-width apart (see figure 3.1a). The passer should then square up to the target with both shoulders, establish a pivot foot and then step with the opposite foot, and pass the ball to the partner, finishing with hands fully extended and thumbs pointing in and down (see figure 3.1b). The passer should focus on stepping into the pass and on snapping the pass with both hands so that the ball travels into the hands of the receiver at about chest level.
The chest pass is the most common pass in the NBA, used for most passes. This involves you pushing the ball with two hands from your chest outwards, thrusting the ball towards a teammate. Used all of the time, the chest pass is the most efficient and reliable way to pass. The bounce pass is the second most common pass in the NBA. This involves a pass, with one hand or two, bounced to a teammate off of the ground. Any way you want to pass, as long as the ball hits the ground first, is considered a bounce pass. The overhead pass is the third most common pass in the NBA, used sparingly. These are passes that require two hands on the ball. The ball is brought behind your head and launched forward, back over your head to a teammate. Often used for fast breaks to throw to a teammate on the other side of the court, overhead passes are passes that are more for power rather and quickness rather than accuracy.
Muscle used in Chess pass are Biceps and Triceps .
pivit, shoot or pass