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The bounce pass is used in Basketball. It is most often used as part of a quick scoring drive when the ball handler is under the basket and has too many defenders on him to shoot. The bounce can be tweaked with spin, making it harder to intercept than a snap pass.

(edit)... The above is true, but a bounce pass IS also a good idea in Baseball when an outfielder is throwing a long distance (e.g. Center Field to Home, or Right Field to first base). The idea is that if the distance is too great for the fielder to throw the ball low and fast, he could throw a "rainbow" pass, a bounce pass, or throw to the "cut-off" man. The bounce pass has the advantage of being low and fast, with the disadvantage of a potential "bad hop" off the ground. The rainbow or "lob" pass is slow because it has to travel up, and then down, which takes longer than a low and fast throw. A bounce pass may get there faster than using the cutoff, but it also may bounce wrong off the ground. Using a cut-off man, when available, gives added precision to the play, and with practice, the turn-around time for the cut-off man can be minimal.

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Q: When would a bounce pass be used in netball?
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It is light weight and specially designed for throwing how ever it can also bounce. Hope this helps and if so please give me a trust point. X

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cause you use your biceps whenever you do passing in netball. I play netball. even though I'm 13 -Tillie

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Bounce passes are really only used when you are passing to the shooters from outside of the goal circle otherwise normally a chest pass or a shoulder pass is used during a game.

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Chest Pass- passed with both hands from the chest good for short distance passes not long. Lob (not lollipop)- high overhead pass good for when opposing team are shorter used in the ring Shoulder Pass- one handed pushed from the shoulder- most common passed used for long distance. Bounce- bounced once 3/4 of the distance to the other person this passed is normally used in the ring and to get around the opposition

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