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Chest Pass- passed with both hands from the chest good for short distance passes not long.

Lob (not lollipop)- high overhead pass good for when opposing team are shorter used in the ring

Shoulder Pass- one handed pushed from the shoulder- most common passed used for long distance.

Bounce- bounced once 3/4 of the distance to the other person this passed is normally used in the ring and to get around the opposition

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Q: What is a name of a netball pass?
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centre pass

When do you use a overhead pass in netball?

It is used when you have to make a strong and far pass

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cause you use your biceps whenever you do passing in netball. I play netball. even though I'm 13 -Tillie

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anywhere in the centre third.

What are the four main typpes of passes in netball?

Chest pass, shoulder pass, bounce pass & lob

What are the types of passing in netball?

1.Chest pass 2.Lobb Pass 3.Bounce pass