at the back of the court
Anywhere behind the back line of the court.
Anywhere behind the back line of the court.
Only 3 hits are allowed in Volleyball before returning the ball back to the opponents' court.
a server is a back row player
The back court is the area of your team's court that is closest to the endline (serving line).
The server plays in right back
The player who served last will be in position one until there is a new server, unless they are substituted for by another player or the libero.
Behind the back line of the court.
You can serve from anywhere on the back line of the court.
They serve the volleyball no they dont serve the volleyball, that is back right? server is always on the right. if you have troubles with your left and your right, try using your fingers. the shape that makes a perfect L is the left. be smart, becasue that answer wasnt.