The Cowboys' new stadium is in Arlington, Texas.
Texas and Florida respectively
The Dallas Cowboys first met Pittsburgh Steelers in 1960 and played at the Cotton Bowl, which was the Cowboys home field for 11 seasons (1960-1971). It was also the Dallas Cowboys first game in the NFL.
I'm assuming that all the Dallas Cowboy players live in the metroplex, so I'm sure they all stay home when playing at home. Actually the cowboys all stay at the Gaylord Texan before a game
Dallas, at least pro football fans and the Dallas Cowboys, celebrate Thanksgiving with football. The Cowboys host a home game every Thanksgiving. And those who are not Dallas Cowboys fans, if there are any in Dallas, celebrate Thanksgiving the same as the rest of the country, by getting together with family for a big turkey dinner.
It depends on where the game is played. If it's a Cowboys home game, the team usually wears its traditional white jerseys. If it's a road game, it depends on whether the home team wears white or not.
The Dallas Cowboys traditonally wear white jerseys on the road unless the home team decides to wear white.
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are more like a dance group than traditional cheerleaders. But you can see them on the sidelines of all Dallas home games at Cowboys Stadium.
Dallas Cowboys played at the Cotton Bowl from 1960-1970.
Dallas Cowboys play their home games in Texas. Miami Dolphins play their home games in Florida.
The Cotton Bowl, located in downtown Dallas, was the original home of the Dallas Cowboys from 1960 to 1971. Texas Stadium, which was in the suburb of Irving, was where the Cowboys played their home games from 1971 to 2008.