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The university that fielded the nation's first college Lacrosse team was New York University.

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The first Women's LaCrosse game was in 1980.

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In 1971 Cornell University won the NCAA championship. In 2001 the Long Island Lizards won the MLL championship.

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Native Americans used to play lacrosse before battle.

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Related questions

Why did the Iroquois play Lacrosse?

The game of lacrosse was first used as a war game to settle disputes between tribes

When was the first advanced field lacrosse game?


What year did the first European document a lacrosse game?

In 1963

Who won the first lacrosse game?

Native American tribes were the first to play.

Where was lacrosse was first played?

Nobody is quite sure when the game of Lacrosse was first played. The game dates back to the Indian times, with the Ojibwa, Mohawk, Iroquois, and Choctaw tribes. The game was played in fields, with no boundaries and no padding of any kind. In the game, the only rules were you couldn't use your hands. Women were not allowed to play lacrosse, as the game often got very physical. Goals were spread anywhere from a half a mile, to several miles apart. There could be anywhere from 50 to 1000 people playing at a time.

Why is lacrosse a great sport?

Its just the beauty of the game. Its a game played by people all over the world and just so entertaining to watch. (Especially in a guys game when people get knocked over)

Who was the founder of lacrosse?

Lacrosse is a native origin game, it was played to train for war,moarn a death, or honor a god. Lacrosse was first seen and documented by a french soldier who called it lacrosse because of them using sticks. The first person to make a club and might as well be the father of lacrosse was Dr. William George Beers.

A field game with a netted stick?


How do you start a la crosse game?

A lacrosse game is started with a faceoff.

What were the first sports?

Lacrosse one of the first sports. The Native Americans used to play with a human head instead of a lacrosse ball. The winners of the game were honored by being killed as a sacrifice.

How is a lacrosse game timed for major league lacrosse?

with a watch.

Where do you get college lacrosse 2010?

If your thinking about College Lacrosse 2010 as a video game, there is no College Lacrosse Video Game. If you mean something else I have no clue.