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Brine Lacrosse was created in 2005.

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Related questions

When did Brine Lacrosse happen?

Brine Lacrosse happened in 2005.

Does new balance own warrior lacrosse and brine lacrosse?

New balance owns Warrior lacrosse and Warrior lacrosse owns Brine Lacrosse.

Which is better brine optra or supra lacrosse shafts?

brine optra

What lacrosse shafts does the Brine Clutch 2x fit on?

the brine clutch head will fit on any brine lacrosse shafts. I have the Clutch on my brine swizzebeat. i recommended this shaft its is light gripy and cheap. it is only 80 dollars

What are the best lacrosse balls?

Warrior, Brine, and STX are the better ones

How do you put a brine lacrosse wall together?

you do it

What is a brine rocket lacrosse stick head made out of?


What lacrosse head does ken clausen use?

brine cyber

What lacrosse shafts does the Brine Clutch fit on?


What is like the Brine Nitrous Lacrosse Head Or where can it be found?

try comlax in i think brantre...they have all your lacrosse needs

What did Brine Lacrosse achieve in his career?

The Brine National Lacrosse Team went to the NCAA Final Four and while they did not win the dream was always to be able to participate. They would get another chance later in life.

What is the most popular lacrosse company?

There are several: BRINE, WARRIOR, GATE