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Where there are markers. Normally there are 2 markers, you can tee of anywhere in between

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Q: When teeing off should hands be ahead of ball?
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Teeing up with an oversize driver?

You should tee the ball up so half the ball is above the club face.

Which golf term is to place the ball on the tee?

Teeing up.

What is meant by teeing in golf?

Tee is the small pointed holder for the ball. It sticks into the ground.

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Yes. Feels like you're golfing. Teeing.

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Only once

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If you want to prevent another player stealing the ball you should run with the ball in both hands. If you run with the ball in one hand it lets the oppostion know that you do not intend to pass it so it is better having the ball in both hands.

In which sport will you hear the term ' to tee off'?

When a golf ball is placed on a tee on the first shot played on hole, and the player hits the ball this is referred to as Teeing off or a tee off.

How do you get more roll from a 10.5 degree driver golf club?

Hi try teeing your ball lower than normal say only 1/3 above club head (instead of half) then hit as normal the lower trajectory should create more roll you may also try teeing ball higher then hover clubhead off the ground before swingin this shallows the arc and creates more topspin to ball balll may not fly high but will certainly roll long way if its a flat hard fairway...... Good Luck

When you pass in volleyball the ball should contact your?

Forearms or hands and fingers if overhead passing.

What is the penalty for teeing off in the wrong area in matchplay golf?

If you play from the wrong teeing area, in strokeplay, there is a two shot penalty, but you must correct your mistake before playing a stroke from the next teeing ground. All strokes taken up to this point don't count, so it is essentially 3 off the tee. If you fail to correct your mistake you are disqualified. It is very different however in matchplay, if a stroke is taken from the wrong teeing ground, your opponent may simply ask you to cancel that stroke and replay the shot from the correct tee. These rules apply for teeing from outside the teeing ground also.

When are the hands part of the ball if ever?

Hands are considered part of the ball when in contact with the ball. If a defender strikes the hands of a player which are holding the ball, it is considered to be the same as the defender striking the ball. (I am a basketball referee certified by IAABO)