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after the final buzzer or whistle. when the last drop of sweat runs down your face. when you know you've left everything out on the floor or field, depending on if it's a game of box or field Lacrosse

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they can go into over time or sudden death!!!!

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It depends. Girls 1-6 grade usually just have the goalie clear it out, but above those grades and ages they do a draw. OR you could call a timeout

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The NCAA mens lacrosse season usually ends Memorial Day weekend, with a big tournament to seal it off. Womens lacrosse goes another 2 weeks and has their tournament.

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13y ago

the ball stops on the whistles and runs in between whistles, there is no running time

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4 periods 15 mins overtime is 15 mins

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When does lacrosse start?

Lacrosse usually starts in march and ends in june. But you can also play in winter and fall leagues. Also practices usually start in February.

When does lacrosse season start?


What season does mens lacrosse play?


When does university lacrosse season start?

in the spring

What season does lacrosse play?

Lacrosse plays in the spring, although there are summer and fall leagues, as well as indoor winter leagues.

In what months is lacrosse played?

Lacrosse (in P&R teams) is usually played in the spring. That is the standard Lacrosse season. Some Travel teams play summer through fall, and in the winter there are sometimes indoor seasons

When did New York Titans - lacrosse - end?

New York Titans - lacrosse - ended in 2009.

Is lacrosse a sport you play all year round?

only is youre playing select lacrosse, therefore it may be indoor at times.....if you play a regular season lacrosse, it is not all year round

When did major league start?

The professional Lacrosse league called Major League Lacrosse was founded in 1999 and had its first season in 2001. Plus are you talking about women or men?

What game uses a long pole with a small net on the end?


How long is a National Lacrosse League career?

Normally major lacrosse players make $30,000 up to $45,000 for a season and beginners only make around $15,000. They do it because they like it.

Who is the all time leading scorer in college lacrosse in a single season?

Matt danowski and Zach Greer