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Q: When does high school softball need to have a batter's eye box?
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What kind of education or certificate do you need to be a girls high school softball coach?

at least high school

Do you have to play high school softball to get into college softball?

Not necessarily, most softball recruiting is done through travel/summer teams. Also, many softball programs are not that good and could be considered a waste of time.

How high would a dome ceiling need to be for fastpitch softball?

80 feet

Does a softball glove need to be oiled?

Sure. A softball glove is made of the same materials that a baseball glove is made of (high grade leather). They need time to be broken in. Oiling the glove will help with this process.

What do you need to transfer high school?

You will need your transcripts from your old High School. Your new school will need those as well as proof of residency for zoning. Contact your new high school to be sure.

Why do you need a gill in softball?

you dont. i play softball and i have no clue what a gill is. far as my knowledge, fish need gills, not softball players.

Can girls wear metal cleats in high school softball?

Metal cleats are only allowed in some leagues of high school softball. You will have to check with your specific league to determine this. A lot of league do not allow them because of the increased safety risks

Need examples on why softball is easy?

Softball isn't easy.

Do you need a high school diploma to be a floral designer?

No, you do not need a high school diploma to be a floral designer.

Do you need science in high school to be an interior designer?

You have to take science in order to pass high school and get the high school diploma. you mostly need art though

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How many gym class do you need to graduate high school?

This depends on where you go to high school. At my high school, you only need to talk a health and physical education class.